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Happy Infinity War Day!! (Don’t worry, no spoilers)


Today is Avengers: Infinity War Day!!! Wendi and I are huge MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) fans, and we’ve been waiting for ten years to have this movie come out. We own all of the other ones and watch them on a regular basis.

So, what makes these movies so enticing? We love the concepts of heroes. Their origin stories, how they get put in the positions they are put in, and the sacrifices they make along the way. I have been a huge superhero fan for quite some time. Anyone that knows me knows that I wear superhero or video game t-shirts 90% of the time. For me it started with cartoons a long time ago. I grew up watching Spider-Man, X-Men, and Batman. Then came even more favorites, like Batman Beyond, Justice League, Young Justice, etc. In the animated world, DC reigns supreme, but Marvel live-action movies are so great with their storytelling and characters, which has drawn us in.

All of the DC cartoon movies/shows
The MCU Collection

What amazes me is the filmmakers’ ability to have a bigger picture and weave the movies into one another. Seeing the first Avengers movie a few years ago was mind-blowing to me. I loved seeing all of the heroes coming together and using their powers to fight such a giant evil presence. I especially loved the scene when they pan across all of the heroes kicking butt throughout the city in a single shot.

The MCU does a great job at creating characters that you can relate to. Wendi and her friend Amy watch Marvel movies together from opposite ends of the country all the time and I know they view the characters like they’re family or friends. Because you get to see these characters across multiple movies, you get to know them even better. Leading up to the movie, Wendi has been legitimately concerned for what may happen to her friends in Infinity War. The stress has been real.

For me, the love of superheroes reminds me to not take life too seriously. I feel like I’m a part of a community where everyone can share their passion for the fandom. I’m also living proof that you can be Team Marvel and Team DC simultaneously! Seriously folks, check out some DC cartoon series and movies.

Who else out there loves superhero movies?? And why? Please let us know your thoughts, and if you have a favorite superhero! (Mine is The Flash, in case you didn’t already know. Wendi’s is Captain America.)

New attire for Infinity War!!

Our accidental nerd-matching is more common than you’d think!
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